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36 ofertas de trabajo encontradas en Höfuðborgarsvæði (Islandia) (página 2):

Página: 2

. criador de cerdos/criadora de cerdosPigfarming. Looking for a herdsman for a sowfarm/pigfarm. Only experienced people with certificate/recommendation or other proof of being experienced and qualified in the field of pig production. Education is preferred in animal husbandry or veterinary medicine. Main projects are Insemination , medication,...

. conductor de vehículo de carga/conductora de vehículo de cargaMeiraprófsbílstjóri. Pósturinn leitar að meiraprófsbílstjóra í fullt starf eða hlutastarf við að keyra og sækja vörur til viðskiptavina á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Hæfniskröfur: -Meirapróf (C) er skilyrði   -Réttindi til að keyra með tengivagn (CE) er kostur   -Skipulögð vinnubrögð   -Lausnamiðuð hugsun   -Jákvætt vi...

. diseñador de juegos digitales/diseñadora de juegos digitalesLead Narrative Designer. CCP Games is looking for a Lead Narrative Designer to join the team in developing narratively driven content for the AAA MMO EVE Online! In this role you will guide and foster a collaborative environment with writers, artists, and other designers so that you and the narrative team can best...

. pintor de obra/pintora de obraPainter. Málaramúr ehf is looking for a painter or assistant painter in a full-time job. Main projects are on interior and exterior painting work. Qualification:         Positive mindset.     Ability to work independently.     Ability to work under pressure     Good comunication skills     Basic Engl...

. montador de puertas/montadora de puertasHurðaþjónusta / Sliding doors. Við leitum að starfsmanni í hurðaþjónustu, starfið felur í sér uppsetningu, viðhald og ýmiskonar störf við sjálfvirkar hurðir.   Starfsvettangur er allt Höfuðborgarsvæðið og næsta nágrenni.   Við útvegum bifreið og öll verkfæri.   Starfið er fjölbreytt og góður starfsandi hjá fyrirtækinu. ...

. esteticistaSnyrtifræðingur / Beautician. Snyrtifræðingur - Hreyfing spa Viltu koma í hóp öflugra starfsmanna Hreyfing spa og starfa í umhverfi sem er metnaðarfullt, árangursdrifið og þar sem jákvæður andi er allsráðandi? Við leitum að snyrtifræðingi sem hefur metnað til að vinna af samviskusemi og fagmennsku og þyrstir stöðugt í...

. gestor de proyectos/gestora de proyectosSenior Product Operations Specialist. CCP is looking for a Senior Product Operations Specialist to join our core technology group. You will work closely with the Development Director of Platform, interfacing with the engine, runtime, and tools teams. You will play a critical role in unifying documentation on our CARBON Engine...

Infrastructure Engineer. CCP is looking for an Infrastructure Engineer to contribute to the continued evolution of our critically acclaimed science-fiction game EVE Online. You will focus on creating more automatic processes around the maintenance and upgrades of EVE Online. This position requires an individual who...

Distributed Systems Engineer. CCP is looking for a Distributed Systems Engineer! As a Distributed Systems Engineer on the Services Team, you’ll be helping us take our AAA rated MMO Eve Online to the next level by helping to design and build distributed systems composed of domain services for our new game features. All d...

. bioquímico/bioquímicaSleep Laboratory Manager - Sleep Medicine. Sleep Laboratory Manager - Sleep Medicine Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland is looking for an English-speaking sleep laboratory manager to work in Reykjavik. The Department of Sleep Medicine has a strong research program with numerous international collaborations groups...

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