: Inicio > Ofertas de trabajo > Físicos y astrónomos

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3 ofertas de trabajo encontradas para Físicos y astrónomos:

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en Croacia: RADNIK/RADNICA U LABORATORIJU. Strojno pranje i sterilizacija laboratorijskog posuđa - autoklaviranje biološkog otpada - priprema medija i pufera - izrada i redovito ažuriranje liste potrošnog laboratorijskog materijala - naručivanje laboratorijskog materijala - dezinfekcija opreme (inkubatori, laminari, itd.) - asistiranje radn...

en Suiza: PostDocs and/or Senior Engineers in Electromagnetics. The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS), an independent, nonprofit research organization closely associated with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, is currently seeking PostDocs and/or Senior Engineers in Electromagnetics to strengthen o...

en Suiza: Biophysical Modeling and Optimization of EM Stimulation for Neurotherapeutics (Post-Doc, PhD Student or Research Engineer). The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS), an independent, nonprofit research organization closely associated with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, is currently seeking applicants for the post as Biophysical Modeling and Optimization o...