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Samsetningarstjóri. Höfuðborgarsvæði. Islandia

Trabajo en Höfuðborgarsvæði (Islandia) de asistente de dirección

Clasificación del trabajo: Técnicos y profesionales de nivel medio › Profesionales de nivel medio en operaciones financieras y administrativas › Secretarios administrativos y especializados › Secretarios administrativos y ejecutivos › asistente de dirección.

Traducción de la profesión: Technicians and associate professionals › Business and administration associate professionals › Administrative and specialised secretaries › Administrative and executive secretaries.

Descripción de la oferta de trabajo:

Óskað er eftir starfsmanni í yfirumsjón með samsetningu rafmagnstjakka sem fyrirtækið framleiðir og annast starfsþjálfun væntanlegra starfsmanna.

Kunnátta í rafvélafræði og almenn rafmagnsfræði er kostur. Starfsþjálfun verður eftir framleiðslustaðli ISO 9001. Kunnátta í forritun CNC framleiðsluvéla og innstillingu róbota sem fyrirtækið notar við framleiðsluna æskileg ásamt reynslu af sölumennsku og markaðssetningu raftækja til útflutnings. Tælenska er kostur

Laun eru greidd samkvæmt kjarasamningum VR, um dagvinnu er að ræða á milli kl.9-17, greidd er eftirvinna þegar hún er unnin.

Frekari upplýsingar veitir:


We are looking for a supervisor in the assembly of electric jacks produced by the company, as well as handling the training of prospective employees.

Knowledge in electrical engineering and general electrical science is an advantage. Training will be according to the ISO 9001 production standard. Knowledge in programming CNC production machines and setting up robots used by the company in production is desirable, along with experience in sales and marketing of electrical equipment for export. Knowledge of Thai is an advantage.

Salaries are paid according to VR union agreements, with working hours from 9 AM to 5 PM, and overtime is paid extra.

For further information, contact:

Please apply by filling in an online application here: and put "240823-03" in the field for employer.

País del trabajo: Islandia.

Región: Höfuðborgarsvæði.

Ver 24 ofertas de trabajo en "Höfuðborgarsvæði" (Islandia).

Número de puestos: 1.

Con permiso de conducir: b.

Empleador: ISO-TÆKNI ehf. .

Instrucciones para solicitar:

Please apply by filling out an online application here: and put '240823-03' in the field for employer.

Oferta de trabajo obtenida del portal Eures, con fecha 10 de Septiembre de 2024, y con identificador de la vacante:240823-03.

Ver las 57 ofertas de trabajo de Técnicos y profesionales de nivel medio › Profesionales de nivel medio en operaciones financieras y administrativas › Secretarios administrativos y especializados › Secretarios administrativos y ejecutivos › asistente de dirección ofertadas.

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