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PhD position in developing MRI-based hypoxia-targeted radiotherapy

Oferta de trabajo de profesor de educación superior/profesora de educación superiora en Dinamarca (Fyn)

Clasificación del trabajo: Profesionales científicos e intelectuales › Profesionales de la enseñanza › Profesores de universidades y de la enseñanza superior › Profesores de universidades y de la enseñanza superior › profesor de educación superior/profesora de educación superiora.

Traducción de la profesión: Arbejde, der forudsætter viden på højeste niveau inden for pågældende område › Undervisning og pædagogisk arbejde › Undervisning og forskning ved universiteter og højere læreranstalter › Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter.

Descripción de la oferta de trabajo:

The Department of Clinical Research at SDU invites highly qualified graduates from around the world to apply for a Ph.D. position in the interdisciplinary field of imaging biomarkers and radiation therapy. The Ph.D. student will be based at Odense University Hospital (OUH), with a preferred start in the second quarter of 2025, though this is flexible. This project is partially funded by the Translational Cancer Hub (TCH) at SDU.

Research environment

The successful candidate will join the research teams at the Research Unit of Oncology and the Research Unit of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine. Initially, the work will be conducted at the new Preclinical Imaging Core Facility at SDU ( The Ph.D. candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment with medical physicists, imaging scientists, clinicians, molecular biologists, and specialized staff at the animal facility. The research units have a very active environment, with Ph.D. students, postdocs, associate professors, and full professors.

The project will be carried out in collaboration with the Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) and Oslo University Hospital, Department of Radiation Biology. An external research stay during the project period should be expected in accordance with the ministerial order on the Ph.D. program.

Project description

Odense University Hospital (OUH) is equipped with a state-of-the-art radiotherapy system, known as an MRI-linac, which allows superior image guidance during radiotherapy delivery. OUH was among the first institutes worldwide to treat patients with a high-field MRI-linac and is currently a leading member of an international MRI-linac consortium. It is also the only hospital in Denmark to offer this treatment.

The MRI-linac provides an unprecedented opportunity for daily image-based tailoring of radiotherapy. A new paradigm in this field is biological guided radiotherapy.

This project aims to contribute to this paradigm shift in radiation therapy by developing an imaging biomarker for hypoxia, a local tissue condition associated with radio-resistance. We will utilize the unique infrastructure at the affiliating departments and propose a three-step approach to develop an MRI-based hypoxia biomarker, focusing on glioblastoma, a tumor known for its radio-resistance, with hypoxia as a key contributing factor: 1. Development of an MRI-based hypoxia biomarker in a glioblastoma small animal model using the new preclinical PET/MRI system. 2. Translation of the MRI-based hypoxia biomarker in patients with glioblastoma at OUH, using the clinical PET/MRI system to evaluate and optimize its reproducibility in the clinical setting. 3. Implementation of the developed hypoxia protocol in the radiation therapy setting by testing it in patients with glioblastoma on a 1.5 T MRI scanner for radiation therapy planning and on the MRI-linac system for adaptive therapy.


The successful candidate will hold a master’s degree in physics, engineering, or related fields. Candidates with a master’s degree or certification in medical physics within radiation therapy or nuclear medicine will be considered to have a strong background. Prior knowledge of MRI or PET is not necessary but is an advantage. Programming skills are also an advantage (e.g., Matlab, Python).

Contact information

Faisal Mahmood, Professor, Medical Physicist, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital

Mikael Palner, Associate Professor, Preclinical Imaging Core Facility, University of Southern Denmark

For further information about the project, please contact: Faisal Mahmood, Tel. +45 26282837, e-mail:

Applications must include:

  • At letter stating the interest, motivation and qualifications for the project (max. 2 pages) - upload under “Application form”.
  • Detailed CV, including personal contact information
  • Certified copy of diploma (Master’s degree in a relevant field)

Shortlisting may be used in the assessment process.

Further information about the PhD-study can be found at the homepage of the University.

Applications must be submitted electronically using the link "Apply now". Attached files must be in Adobe PDF format. We strongly recommend that you read How to apply for a position at SDU before you apply.

If you experience technical problems, you must contact  

Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated. This also applies to reference letters.

Closing date

February 28, 2025, 23.59 hrs. (CET).

Successful candidates will be asked to send an application to the PhD Secretariat, Faculty of Health Sciences, to be enrolled as PhD students.

The PhD programme will be carried out in accordance with Faculty regulations and the Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities (PhD order)

The terms of employment as a salaried PhD Research Fellow are stated in the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

País del trabajo: Dinamarca.

Región: Fyn.

Ver 77 ofertas de trabajo en "Fyn" (Dinamarca).

Número de puestos: 1.

Empleador: Syddansk Universitet.

Instrucciones para solicitar:

Please apply using one of the specified channels

Forma de contacto:

  • Código postal: 5230; Calle: Campusvej, Número: 55
  • Sitio web:

Oferta de trabajo obtenida del portal Eures, con fecha 21 de Enero de 2025, y con identificador de la vacante:a316f14d77e84c6cb2fc7885e471d3e0.

Ver las 95 ofertas de trabajo de Profesionales científicos e intelectuales › Profesionales de la enseñanza › Profesores de universidades y de la enseñanza superior › Profesores de universidades y de la enseñanza superior › profesor de educación superior/profesora de educación superiora ofertadas.

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